Tournament Rules

Tournament Rules:

  • Double elimination
  • 4 inning games
  • 3-4 players in the field at a time including pitcher
  • Walk is a double
  • 4-5 man teams (4 in the field at a time)
  • Bat all four or five
  • Running bases - 35 foot bases
  • Ump your own games
  • Hits the strike zone it is a strike (doesn't matter where it crosses the plate)
  • 2 outs per inning
  • Can throw ball at runner, runner is out if hit with ball off of base
  • 44' pitching distance, over 45 will be moved up to 37'
  • Pitcher's hand – if the ball is in the pitcher's hand before the runner gets to first then the batter is out
  • Pitcher can be pulled once 5 runs have scored in a inning
  • NO pitcher can pitch in more than two innings in a game in case of extra innings
  • 10 run rule in effect after three innings
  • Maximum of 25 teams
  • Both types of wiffle balls will be available. It will be up to each pitcher what ball they use. You can throw either ball at anytime.
  • *** All rules subject to change***


Each team can have up to 2 players age 12-16. Other 2-3 players must be over 16. Father and son teams are encouraged.